So. After the massive achievement of voluntarily funding, sourcing, designing and fitting the swing lift (Thanks Mr. J and all our benefactors) we’ve now reached a point where we need responses from the owners of the crap we’ve pulled out.

Too much Crap

Too much Crap

There simply isn’t enough room to store any more, which is really sad now we’ve got the swing lift! We are hoping all the support from locals and businesses thus far will be enough to show we all want this River cleaned and maintained as soon as possible. Leave a comment, and let’s keep up the momentum!

Oh, just before we go, I should mention that for Corporate sponsorship you’re supposed to supply graphs, figures and pie charts. I’m not very good at those things so we just did

This representation of what the River looks like at low tide now:

Someone has left messy crumbs on the plate for someone else to clean up. And they didn’t leave ANY PIE for anyone else. Super Meanies!

Someone has left messy crumbs on the plate for someone else to clean up. And they didn’t leave ANY PIE for anyone else. Super Meanies!

And this:

This is an interpretation of how River’s look once they’re free of crap:

Everyone: Oh, what a nice pie! And look, there’s plenty for EVERYONE! Let’s get more pies from there and spend all our monies being in that great great pie place.

Everyone: Oh, what a nice pie! And look, there’s plenty for EVERYONE! Let’s get more pies from there and spend all our monies being in that great great pie place.

I think you can tell what this will mean for Colchester once that River Colne is all sparkly again!

Nice Picture of some River Water, Hythe Quay, ColchesterThere’s prolly some fish and eels in there but you can’t see them in this photo

Nice Picture of some River Water, Hythe Quay, Colchester

There’s prolly some fish and eels in there but you can’t see them in this photo


A Message from The River Thief


The BIG Day