The BIG Day


All of our Benefactors SO FAR! This is FOR YOU.

It’s a new installation for Supermarket Mucky Trolleyworld Kingdom Adventure Park.. the one you’ve been waiting for, the most awesome and terrifying ride of your life:

Tyres are hard to pull out the River - but make for super fun bumpy swingy times!We wish! Actually what’s really happened is this:

Tyres are hard to pull out the River - but make for super fun bumpy swingy times!

We wish! Actually what’s really happened is this:

And this is what we can now do with the super new shiny special tool:

….and then… in the field:
(which is of course a river but shhhhh)

Isn’t she AMAZING?

I’d like for Mr J to add all the techy numbers, like how much it lifts, how long it took to make, how much whisky he had to drink to make it, but all I’m getting at the minute is this:

…which isn’t really what I was looking for. When he tells someone else on social media all about the numbers I’ll be sure to update, cos I know that’s what you’re all here for really!

In all seriousness though (as much as I can muster on my first child free day in months and months and months and) we have to say a massive massive thank you to EVERYONE who bought a mug, everyone who donated, and everyone who spurred us on this far. This, quite literally would not have happened without your kind ongoing support.

Next step is to ask the larger bodies, corporations, and businesses to step up as well, just like you have.

LorryLift 2021!

LorryLift 2021!




Welcome to Supermarket Mucky Trolley Maze World Adventure Park Kingdom®™