
We are a Non-Profit Organisation and we need your help:

Rolling donations, donations and merchandise sales are our only income. To help keep us afloat please consider donating, however small, your contribution is needed.

SeaNet Current Projects

Hythe Quay River Clean

Just one of the hauls from this small section of the River

River Clean up at Hythe Quay, Colchester

We are currently clearing litter and debris from the Hythe Quay section of the River Colne. This persistent littering of waterways is commonly noted but action is seldom taken. Councils have limited budgets and the work takes planning, involves heavy lifting, and generally leaves you covered in mud!  

Donations, rolling donations and revenue from merchandise sales are currently keeping us afloat whilst we continue to tackle the problem from both sides. We are actively campaigning to educate all generations, and link up community groups where we can.

Any interest or questions please email and we will reply as soon as we can. 

SeaNet Environmental and Coastal Heritage Society


Hythe Division

We are working with the local community to have their voices heard, especially when raised in unison about the current environmental issues. We wish to provide tools to enable them to take suitable action where needed. In order to make the idea of community responsibility increasingly pervasive, we want to provide educational awareness programs for the general public, local businesses and the local student population. We believe if people have a reason to love and appreciate their surroundings then much less litter will end up in the river.

We are liaising with local businesses to work out solutions to the problem - we’ve a page on our current benefactors here. These companies show enthusiastic interest and adopt a sense of duty in providing a better environment for occupants, residents and workers who use the area.

Broadening on this we wish to preserve and record the history and culture of the Hythe to foster a passion for what we have, from an understanding of where we’ve come from.

Membership to the Non-Profit Society is open and offered to everyone with an interest in the Hythe Clean Up Mission - please email if you wish to get involved. If you would like to join direct please sign up for a £3 monthly rolling membership donation - Seanet Membership Sign Up


SeaNet Merchandise

We are currently producing original pressed mugs. Please email or visit our Merchandise section if you’d like to order one. All proceeds towards the running costs of the enterprise and helping to keep Seanet at work.