Moving Forward

River Clean Up - Mission On

River Clean Up - Mission On

Hello all - thanks for bearing with us, it’s been very hectic at SeaNet HQ these last few months! This is a very important update about what we need to do next to achieve our aims. 

Since we last spoke, we have managed to: 

  • Clear 50 cones from Hythe Quay and are looking for ways to reuse/repurpose them

  • Hire a trailer we can use to dispose of debris

  • Meet with Trolleywise and Wanzl to discuss how we can further work together

  • Met with Beyond the Box to discuss private funding of the River Clean

  • Attend several festivals with our SeaNet stall to talk to the public and raise awareness

  • Book in a school assembly to educate children about keeping our rivers clean

  • Held a contact point inside Tesco’s to chat with new student arrivals and the public about keeping tour rivers clean

  • Be published in the Gazette, a double page spread about our work

  • Inspired further volunteer River Cleans along the Colne

  • Rescue an ungrateful Squirrel

Things yet to achieve: 

  • Assistance from Colchester Council and Essex Highways about the ongoing fly tipping in the Colne River

  • Fundraising for ongoing costs, fuel, website, storage, mooring fees..

  • More info-stallholding - we’ve arranged with Beyond the Box to visit the Students at Avon House

  • Raising money to purchase the Saucy Jack for the C.I.C so it is asset locked, insurable and usable by volunteers

This last point is key. We have a massive load of people who want to help hands on with removing debris from the River. We want to utilise the extra hands on deck - but this needs to be done safely! We need to be able to purchase the Saucy Jack so it can be asset locked into the Community Interest Company. An asset lock means that SeaNet CIC will own the boat outright - and should we be unable to continue the work ourselves it means that others can take on this task. We can then purchase insurance so that we can allow volunteers to help. We also need more safety equipment, waders and life jackets. The Jack also needs re-decking and some essential servicing and maintenance to her outboard engines.  


I’m hearing this from everyone I meet so:

We are going to shortly release a fundraiser to buy the Saucy Jack and we need you to tell your friends and family and anyone who will listen, and, if you’re particularly fanatical about crap being in the river - even the ones who won’t! 

We are fully aware that there are millions of worthy causes all asking for the same thing - however we have had so many offers of help and thanks for doing the River Clean we are here now telling you exactly how you can help get this job done. It is our dream to see this River Cleaned of debris - and then we can take SeaNet to other places it is needed. We all want to be part of the solution - and this is one way to do this. 

Please help us to help the River. She needs us. We are SeaNet - and So are You. 

Colne Rangers

Colne Rangers


Couples Therapy - Counsellor required for Essex Highways in Communication issues


It’s a Thing