Couples Therapy - Counsellor required for Essex Highways in Communication issues

Sooo.. Suited and booted but no chance to get in the river today, what we thought was low tide has disappeared and it’s now too deep and fast flowing to get in there safely. Sluice gates?

Regardless, those cones have sat there for a few weeks now, but just in one hour, four, five, six or more are now high tailing it to King Edward Quay and beyond.

Referring back to the "Do Not Reply" email I received from the faceless Essex Highways, they said be assured they'd be looking into removal of their property from the River. Tooooo late me thinks.. How about supporting your local clean up non profit to get the job done Highways?

We are seriously considering taking less of our own work on next year to allow more time to tackle the problem. But, we gotta eat so, what to do?

Each venture out takes planning and preparation. We have to get into the middle of the river first which means laying the boats out the day previously so we can get past the mud. Then you've got a two/three hour window to get in and out. As you've seen before then we need to sometimes collect the floating debris when the tide is in and unload it onto the quayside. Then you need to shift it from the quayside another day or so of unloading, moving, shifting often rotting and muddy debris - we've been asking for storage, help with removals, up cycling assistance, transportation but have yet to receive anything from our Council. Also in the winter we are obviously missing out on daylight so timings of getting in need to be precise.

Thank you to all our current contributors and the offers of volunteering - you have all been amazing and supportive and as cliched as it is, we literally cannot do this without you. We wish it was as simple as pulling the stuff out but as we've discovered over the last 2 years the whole process is problematic and we need more help. At the minute financial assistance is key, we are trying our best but time isn't our friend right now.

This footage hasn’t been edited properly or made clever and funny, we may get round to doing it or we might think about what we’re having for tea instead. In either event this is quite sad that they’re drifting away from where they could’ve been pulled out..

Colne Cone Mating Season - Sadly unsuccessful as these poor creatures are out of their natural habitat


Tescos, Students and Trolleys Success


Moving Forward