Seanet Environmental and Coastal Heritage C.I.C.

Well.. You know when you spend a good few months stalling and waiting and ticking boxes and unticking them, and ticking them again but only now it’s in the right place, and then now you have to jump through this hoop, only your hoop jumping has been severely disabled due to age related immobility? Well finally, after lots of hoop related injuries we can announce the following:

Seanet is now fully incorporated and registered with Companies House as a Not For Profit Community Interest Company. There’s further information to be found here: 

The run down is this though: We can now receive donations to keep running on an official capacity, and sell merchandise to fundraise. We can also remunerate directors which means we can spend the time needed to get Seanet where it needs to be to make a real impact.

We have to meet certain criteria to run as a CIC which means we have slightly more freedom than as a charity, however we are still obligated to operate with fair and transparent methods. An honest charitable format, if you like!

On a personal scale this feels very grown up. Seanet has the potential to achieve so much and it feels good to have gained CIC status.

Also - we have updated the website with a Membership Subscription scheme. We are asking folks who support us for £3 monthly to help us continue to run. We are offering occasional free gifts and a newsletter in return for your subscription - and also the satisfaction you’re helping keep our waterways litter free. Here is the link to become a member:

As said in the last blog we will be back in the water at Hythe Quay very soon - after the hoop jumping and some serious illness has held us back we are now very keen to start lifting debris again, and hope to do this in the next few weeks. We also have Freshers Week in October where we will be outside Tescos offering goodies and Society Membership alongside educating our newest University Students about the importance of looking after our surroundings. We hope to have them fully onboard and clued up about their contributions to their new home.

This coming weekend we will be at the Colchester Eco-Festival with some bits and bobs - come see us - we will be next to the Green Party Stall opposite the mainstage. The festival is free entry for all and jam packed with all that is good in the world.

This afternoon we are meeting with some lovely folks on a Janes Walk around the Hythe, organised by some very lovely volunteers from our community. We will be viewing the River Colne from the Red bridge at the Hythe, approximately 3:30pm, highlighting the issues faced by local residents in keeping the area tidy - mainly the issue here is with the Roadworks from the bridge routinely ending up in the River underneath the bridge. We hope to continue raising awareness regarding this, as well as getting in there over the next few weeks and removing what we can.

Things just got serious - watch this space!


It’s a Thing


Time and Tide