
This mornings clean up.

Went out in the waders, through the mud, past Tarp Island.. it's at this point it becomes rather disheartening when you see just how much crap is in the water still. Years of it.

Mucky Trolley Happy Kingdom - Hythe Adventure Water Park Affiliated

Mucky Trolley Happy Kingdom - Hythe Adventure Water Park Affiliated

Inspection of Trolley Float 2021.

Inspection of Trolley Float 2021.

Wade in the water - Leaky Wade! In the Wa-a-a-ter

Wade in the water - Leaky Wade! In the Wa-a-a-ter

You Eeeeeeeeeegret (wait your tern, get back down your own end, etc)

You Eeeeeeeeeegret (wait your tern, get back down your own end, etc)

However. Yesterday I saw an Egret walking up on the part of the river we've cleared, which is much much clearer even to the naked eye as there's no crap in there to cause a backlog of mud and silt.

Photos: The Egret isn't an amazing shot as I had to zoom in on my phone but you can see the difference from where we've cleared to what we're dealing with at the other side.


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